Property Available
Specialising in the acquisition and marketing of rural lifestyle and commercial agricultural property
Property Search
Move to Greener Pastures
"East Ningaloo"
Thalgarrah, NSW

Whatever your situation, at 141 ha, “East Ninglaoo” is the perfect small holding to get you established, operate as a sideline, or settle down, relax and build your dream home with some of the best views in the district.
"Forest Lodge"
Wongwibinda, 2350

Currently operated as a backgrounding operation, “Forest Lodge” would be equally suitable to run breeders.
Wongwibinda, 2350

Located an hour north-east of Armidale and set at the top of the Clarence River Catchment, the property’s grandeur is only surpassed by its proven productivity.
Bendemeer, 2355

$ 1,590,000
Location, standard and level of infrastructure, river frontage and production make "Timunda" a terrific rural lifestyle proposition.