
After The Honeymoon

When we decide to sell a property, we are making a big commitment. It can be daunting; no matter how well the future is planned, the journey can often take unknown paths. Chances are it will be smooth going, but there is always the possibility of a bump, a twist or a hiccup. It sounds to me to be a bit like a marriage! And like a marriage, a sale campaign has a honeymoon period. There is excitement and a buzz among all in the market. Everyone loves to check out and talk about the new kid on the block, the new property for sale.

But like any honeymoon, this initial excitement comes to an end; hopefully with a successful sale, but in a market such as what we are experiencing right now there is the possibility the 3-way marriage between you, your agent, and the market will need to endure uncertain times.

What makes a successful marriage? Faith, loyalty and perseverance and patience are key factors, as is keeping your eye on long-term objectives and being realistic enough to know the honeymoon does not last forever. That’s also pretty much what makes a successful marketing campaign in a slow market.

It can be frustrating, and depressing, even, when you go through all the preparation to present your property to the world and get no definitive outcome in the timeframe you had hoped for.

By all accounts, the current market in rural property is slow. I am not going to go so far as to say it’s depressed because I don’t believe it is. The process is slower than it has been over the past few years. There often (not always) appears to be a backlog of properties where one sale is dependent upon the sale of a keen purchaser’s property, and so on.

If you find yourself in this situation, I wish you well on your honeymoon, then if needed, suggest you keep faith in the process, maintain loyalty with agent and buyers, persevere, have patience, and keep your eye on the long-term objectives.

It will happen.

That said, I acknowledge we all have a breaking point. If the process is getting you down in a major way, don’t be afraid to have a yarn with someone qualified to advise you on that side of things.

Best regards,

Graham MacDougall
MacDougall Rural Property
0412 220 302

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